Carbon capture, utilisation and storage finally catches the spotlight – IEA
Large CCUS deployment will be needed for successful clean-energy transitions
Source: Carbon capture, utilisation and storage finally catches the spotlight – IEA
More than one month has passed since I completed the research task concerning CCS, however I would like to share this post appeared yesterday on the International Energy Agency website.
Preliminary note: the IEA normally prefers talking about CCUS, i.e. highlighting the term “utilization” (that you find in the post title), but obviously we are talking about the same thing.
So, the article is quite optimistic concerning CCS (or CCUS…) and indeed the final paragraph states:
After the decade of disappointments, there may be some legitimate scepticism. Still, CCUS’s moment has arrived.
Indeed, due to all the issues affecting this technology that I discussed in my paper, I would be more cautious and I would not make such sharp statements. Nonetheless, the article is very interesting in pointing out some aspects which might actually stimulate CCS diffusion.