Deliverable 1.1 completed
In the past days I finally completed Deliverable 1.1 which describes the new modeling of system integration, storage, and grid in the WITCH model. As you know, this represented the main research work that I conducted during my American year (in collaboration with Simone and Marco).
Some weeks ago I had already written a post about this activity, so I will not spend any further words about this: in this page I simply report the deliverable, that you can find here.
In the next two weeks I will have to write Deliverable 1.2, concerning the complementary activity of the first year of the project, i.e. the interactions and joint applications between WITCH and SWITCH. Fortunately the tasks carried out within this topic have a smaller scope that those of Deliverable 1.1, so in this case the deliverable will be much shorter 🙂