Last week I eventually started working at FEEM: back to the real life, basically 🙂

In addition to the usual everyday work, yesterday I had the chance to attend an event organized here at FEEM dedicated to the presentation of the PRIMA project. PRIMA stands for Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area and is a research initiative, partly founded by the European Commission under the H2020 program, and partly by countries of the Mediterranean area, whose objective, as we can read on the relevant page on the EU website, “is to devise new R&I approaches to improve water availability and sustainable agriculture production in a region heavily distressed by climate change, urbanisation and population growth”.

I am not directly involved in the food and water sectors, but climate change is a very cross-cutting topic, and connections with energy can always be found. During the event we were informed about the several funding opportunities promoted by PRIMA and how these can be accessed.

We will see if something interesting can derive from here: for sure my MERCURY project will end on January 15, 2019 and I already have to start thinking about options and opportunities for my career after that date!

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